Spring Exploring

Once a week, I take the kids out for a hike in the woods surrounding my house. I like to take the camera along to play. The kids like to play, too. They sniff things. Sometimes each other. They eat random stuff, mostly pungent and sticky. And they always find the muddiest mud. What're ya gonna do. So I snap some photos of them on their wanderings. Here's a taste of the things they get up to. Also, this is taste of the natural world. Just for funzies.

Eric Love
I am a story teller. The goal of a story is to move people in some way. Whether with video, words or images and graphics, my end goal is always to tell a good story. When your story is told successfully, it expresses your strengths and the unique way in which you fill a need or want. With every service I offer, I seek to answer this question: what is the best way to tell this story? Showing always beats telling.

Tiger Creek at Ernie's


Daniel Jay welcome photos