Paul Anderson Cycling Challenge 2017

No one wants to ride a bike (or be stuck in a hot van, like me) for a week at the height of summer in the deep south. Unless you are a boy at PAYH who has the opportunity to be a part of their annual bike ride, that is. The 2017 ride had some amazing moments, some of which were captured in these few highlight videos. There were many more, but this is a good selection.

Eric Love
I am a story teller. The goal of a story is to move people in some way. Whether with video, words or images and graphics, my end goal is always to tell a good story. When your story is told successfully, it expresses your strengths and the unique way in which you fill a need or want. With every service I offer, I seek to answer this question: what is the best way to tell this story? Showing always beats telling.

University of Alabama Birmingham


FCA 2017 Video Suite