Family Connections 2017 Video Highlights

I've worked with Family Connections in a few capacities over the past several years. In 2017 I had the opportunity to work on a few fun projects. First, I got to capture highlights from their 21st Century After School Program summer camp as well as produce a video to educate people on the value of the program. I was also honored to work on a video highlighting the Mentoring program. Very cool. Check out some of my favorite videos of 2017 below.

The video below was shot in about thirty minutes during a demonstration to the students of what I do for a living. I showed them my DSLR, but they were mostly interested in the drone. An hour later was their yearly Lights On After School event where people are invited in to see what they do and how valuable the program is. We thought it would be fun for me to do a quick edit of the little bit of footage I captured during the demonstration to show the kids' families and community visitors. The resulting video isn't award worthy, but it was still a lot of fun.

Eric Love
I am a story teller. The goal of a story is to move people in some way. Whether with video, words or images and graphics, my end goal is always to tell a good story. When your story is told successfully, it expresses your strengths and the unique way in which you fill a need or want. With every service I offer, I seek to answer this question: what is the best way to tell this story? Showing always beats telling.

FCA 2017 Video Suite


Middle Flint 2017 Project